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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

You're Entitled to a Sick Day from Society..or A Leave

Just a random thought / question: Why is it so weird for some people to learn that some select few in this world really dislike the plan that society sets for them?

I think it's only natural that this should happen. After all, upon the knowledge that some women are barren people don't feel it's 'weird', they just accept it & they don't make any "witty" comments about it. So, I honestly feel it's perfectly normal if someone does not want to get married or if some people do not feel okay following society's plan for their life. 

And really why is it so "unnatural" for someone to not want to get a "college education" & "a high paying job"? Why is it not normal to want to drive a simple bicycle instead of having four CO2 emitting cars to drive around? Why is it not normal to want to wear baggy clothes and converse shoes instead of wearing cigarette thin and choking clothes with pain causing heels? Why is it abnormal for someone to not want to live in an enormous mansion and instead desire to live in a simple house? Why is it impossible for some people to comprehend that for some, education is not so important and that real life experiences and perhaps actually enjoying life are important priorities? (after all, God knows most people who graduate from universities do not really learn a whole lot- a bunch of theoretical notions bundled together with no actual practical information!)

Is it such a sin to hate society's plan? Am I really supposed to be okay with the notion that I am free while in reality society has so many rules and regulations as to what kind of shoes, what type and color of dress and what kind of jewelery I can don to own graduation ceremony?How are we free really? Does the stress make us free? Or do the deadlines do that? Or is that the job of "social obligations", which have sadly replaced a loving/kind/humane gesture?

Why is it not normal to care about the environment instead of caring about having hot water for every second of every minutes I am in the house? And can someone please explain to me why is it so weird for people when I tell them I prefer self service? Is it an international sin? Did I miss the memo while I was on a coffee break? People, I honestly think it's okay to not desire to have help around the house and to not have a twenty four hour chauffeur to drive my privileged ass around. Think about it this way, your privileged asses aren't dying from AIDs or hunger :) So why not flex those muscles and ride a bike or better yet walk!

 And remember folks, it's okay if not everyone else is doing it. It's okay if no celebrity is doing it. It's okay if you sweat, p.s. we are supposed to sweat! And it's okay if the phenomenon of being less selfish and more "abnormal"  is well not so fashionable, aka common! Just try it every few weeks, or at least just try it once (That is try to go against the mainstream / just try not to get on the wagon for once!) Trust me it would be fine, cause I think everyone's entitled to a sick day or a free pass..

As for me, I think I'm going to take an unspecified leave from society for now. I do not see the point in being raised to do things with the right intention and have things come from the heart and not lie, while living in a world society that thrives on faking intentions and actions and bullshitting your way through life.

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