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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Relationship Rants: On Compromise

Ok, so I gotta make a confession. I always believed and felt that in love there is no compromise. I always believed that if someone was going to love you and you were going to love them it had to be for exactly who you are and for exactly who they are. But apparently i either gotta keep on believing that and end up alone or I gotta compromise my belief in order for the survival of my relationship.

I still am a firm believer that love knows no pride. Pride is the greatest of sins and a really bad thing for a relationship! And I also still believe that any relationship here on Earth has gotta be subordinate to my relationship with God. And since my relationship with God does not and cannot have pride on my behalf, I really cannot have a relationship with myself or anyone else in which pride is part of the dynamics of the relationship. However, I think I gotta change my mind about the 10 letter word, compromise.

There is no way in hell I am going to find a man who is going to tolerate every single aspect about me and I also have to confess that patience is not one of my virtues. So I guess the logical thing is to compromise. I'm also trying to embrace the notion that compromise allows people to let go of any kind of pride that may be latent in another form. So what I'm trying to say is that maybe compromise is actually good for the soul and for a relationship with God. So maybe it isn't so bad for a relationship with another human. But now my question is how much should we compromise? I don't care if people say, "Gosh, s/he compromised so much that they actually lost their identity ". Again, to me that is pride talking. But I'm just wondering how much should a person compromise? What's the average here? We are creatures of habits, patterns & numbers, so I'm sure someone out there has realized some kind of average for how much a person should compromise in a relationship.

And when does it become too much of a compromise? Are somethings/issues less in weight than other issues when it comes to compromise? If so, what are they? I would love to know where "personal space" measures in! How much of personal space and respect am I supposed to compromise in a relationship?

I guess like everything else, these things are subjective since I cannot find or figure out the answers! So maybe trial and error is the way to go here, till I figure out what works for me. Though I gotta admit with having zero patience lasting long enough in a relationship in order to figure things out is hard. 

All I know for now is that I'm going to embrace the idea of's a good exercise for letting things go and I love letting things go. But I just hope Elisabeth Bishops' poem "One Art" does not define this compromising act. 

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