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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pranic Healing and Super Brain Yoga

An ancient science and art, Pranic Healing has been adapted and systematized by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui in order to heal people by using prana, which translated from Sanskrit to English becomes 'life-force', to enhance the healing process of every being's innate ability to heal itself. Pranic healing is believed to improve health in sundry ways: increase inner peace and happiness, reduce stress and induce spiritual growth. For more information about Pranic Healing you might want to visit Pranic Healing.

Personally, I'm interested in Pranic Healing for several reasons. A main reason is Super Brain Yoga.Super Brain Yoga helps increase electrical brain activity. Basically, after the exercise, which works on both the left and the right hemispheres of the brain, thus synchronizing them, the person has better concentration, a sharper memory and an increased intellectual capacity, because the exercise promotes proper brain function. In case you were ever told to brush your teeth using your left hand, if you are a right handed person and vice-versa, as a kid then this should be a bit familiar.

Coupled together, Pranic Healing and Super Brain Yoga can be very beneficial to our modern every day lives. Both can be done quickly, thus they fit in perfectly with our busy and hectic lifestyles. Also, because in Pranic Healing every alignment has a corresponding healing technique, the healing process is thus more efficient. 

And i know a lot of people really believe these ancient techniques are either too old and thus, unpractical or are just plain bogus, but i can testify that i am aware of at least one person i am well acquainted with, whom has been healed from a rather serious disease through such techniques. Moreover, these techniques are not only advocated in the Eastern World, but they are also being practiced in the Western World. For instance, Doctors in California are using Pranic Healing as a complimentary medicine to traditional medicine in order to treat patients with serious alignments. Watch this Pranic Healing on CBS News, if you're interested to see how it works. Also, teachers in the US are using Super Brain Yoga to help students get smarter. You might want to check out this youtube video: Super Brain Yoga

I guess to most citizens of the world, such ancient techniques and remedies are just too far fetched. But for today, and why lie for the rest of my stay on this blog, i am going to ask you to have an open mind and an open heart. Don't just dismiss something because it sounds too wacky or too out dated. Give it a try. What have you got to lose? If nothing happens then i guess you didn't lose much,since nothing would have changed. And if it does work for you then you might have just gained the knowledge of how to self heal. 

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